If a loved one has a debt they’re unable to pay, you may be considering helping them out. But you might be wondering—is it really possible to transfer a personal loan to someone else? Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely transfer a loan to another person, or to yourself. However, there are a few […]
What to Ask an Estate Planning Attorney – 4 Crucial Questions
Estate planning is an important step, so it’s crucial that you trust the process to someone who’s qualified and has your best interests at heart. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the most important questions to ask your attorney during an initial consultation. Questions to Ask An Estate Attorney How Long Have You Been […]
Can I Declare Bankruptcy at a Young Age?
Many people assume that those who file for bankruptcy are all middle-aged or older. While many older people do file for bankruptcy, just as many young people do as well. Student loan debt and high credit card debt often contribute to millennials (and even some Gen Zs) investigating this route. We’ve put together some legal […]