Have you ever considered what will happen to your digital assets after you pass away? Digital assets have become essential to our lives and can hold sentimental and financial value. Therefore, consider these assets when creating an estate plan to ensure that they are properly managed and distributed according to your wishes. Including your digital […]
Illinois Bankruptcy Exemptions At A Glance
Declaring any type of bankruptcy is frightening and can feel like you’re losing everything. There are certain pieces of property you can keep, or exempt, from bankruptcy. These exemptions vary according to state laws, and a bankruptcy attorney can help you navigate the process. Chapter 7 vs Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Both Chapter 7 and Chapter […]
What is a Real Estate Short Sale and How Does it Work?
What Are Short Sales? Real estate short sales are accelerated home sales conducted when a home’s market value is less than what is owed on its mortgage. Generally, homeowners use a short sale transaction to sell the property when they are facing foreclosure or unaffordable mortgage payments. In these cases, the borrower must prove financial […]